Saturday 27 July, 2024
E-mail: aidemet@afribonemali.net
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© 2006 Copyright Aidemet

Health Plants

M. Yaranga Diarra, thérapeute à Bamako

We don't have storage warehouses. Our plants are purchased, on request of the customers, without brokers, with the local Associations of Women, of Traditional Healers and Herbalists, formed to the non-destructive harvesting in zones of spontaneous vegetation growth (away from sources of chemical, biological or radioactive pollution) or to the biological cultivations, to the selection and to the controlled natural exsiccation. The vegetal drugs, after an accurate quality control, are pulverized and manufactured in bags of polyethylene certified for food.

The hard challenge, on which Aidemet-Mali is engaged, is to conjugate scientific rigour and guarantee of quality together with economic self-based development of the local populations.

The profits drawn by the ethical commercialization of medicinal plants are run over in the activities of support to the Associations of the Traditional Healers and protection of the vegetal bio-diversity.

Price list and technical cards on request.

Acacia senegal (L.) Willd.

Commercial nameTree of the Arabic gum
Used partGum
UsesFood, cosmetic and pharmaceutical: emulsifying agent for the confectionery, for pharmaceutical products and aromatic drinks

Adansonia digitata L.

Commercial nameBaobab
Used partLeaves
UsesFood and medicinal; it is used for the preparation of good sauces; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: anti-asthmatic, anti-diarrheic, for vitamin supply

Azadirachta indica A. Juss

Commercial nameNeem
Used partLeaves
UsesMedicinal: cutaneous affections, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-malaria, febrifuge, anti-parasites

Butyrospermum parkii (G.Don) Kotschy

Commercial nameKarité
Used partButter from the seeds
UsesFood, cosmetic, pharmaceutical: fat matter for confectionery and chocolatery, excipient for creams and ointments

Adansonia digitata L.

Commercial nameBaobab
Used partPulp of the fruits
UsesFood, pharmaceutical and medicinal: mineral and vitamin-enriched refreshing drink; excipient for tablets; in the traditional pharmacopoeia

Ageratum conyzoides L.

Commercial nameAgerate
Used partAerial parts
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: cutaneous affections, anti-inflammatory, analgesic

Anacardium occidentale L.

Commercial nameCashew
Used partNuts
UsesFood: raw material for confectionery, and chocolatery

Azadirachta indica A. Juss

Commercial nameNeem
Used partOil from the seeds
UsesCosmetic: repellent for insects; medicinal: cutaneous affections anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, antibacterial, anti-malaria; phitosanitary: natural insecticide, used in the biological struggle

Carica papaya L.

Commercial namePapaya
Used partFruits
UsesMedicinal, food: digestive; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: in the liver affections, anti-inflammatory, vermifuge

Cassia occidentalis L.

Commercial nameWestern Cassia
Used partLeaves
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: febrifuge, hepato-protective, depurative

Cochlospermum tinctorium A. Rich.

Commercial nameCochlospermum
Used partRhizome
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: liver affections, jaundices

Combretum micranthum G. Don.

Commercial nameKinkeliba
Used partLeaves
UsesMedicinal, food: in the traditional pharmacopoeia: liver insufficiencies, jaundiced syndromes, malaria

Crossopteryx febrifuga Benth.

Commercial nameCrossopteryx
Used partFruits
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: affections of the respiratory apparatus, anti-cough, febrifuge

Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf

Commercial nameLemon grass
Used partLeaves
UsesFood, cosmetic: refreshing and digestive drink; the essential oil is a repulsive for the mosquitoes

Cymbopogon giganteus Chiov.

Commercial nameWild lemon grass
Used partAerial parts
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: antiseptic of the urinary apparatus, diuretic

Digitaria exilis Stapf

Commercial nameFonio
Used partSeeds
UsesFood: cereal very rich in fibers, it is recommended in the hypo-caloric diets

Entada africana Guill. Et Perr.

Commercial nameEntada
Used partRoots
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: liver affections, jaundices, cicatrizant, anti-bronchospastic

Euphorbia hirta L.

Commercial nameEuforbia irta
Used partAerial parts
UsesMedicinal; in the traditional pharmacopoeia: amoebic dysentery, diarrhea, asthmatic affections, parasitic infections, mycosis

Guiera senegalensis J.F. Gmel.

Commercial nameGuiera
Used partLeaves
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: affections of the respiratory apparatus, cutaneous affections, cicatrizant, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory

Hibiscus esculentus L.

Commercial nameGumbo
Used partFruits
UsesFood, medicinal, pharmaceutical and cosmetic: rich in mucilage, the fruits are sweetening, emollient, antiseptic and topical

Hybiscus sabdariffa L.

Commercial nameKarkadé
Used partWine glasses
UsesFood, pharmaceutical: refreshing drink; natural dye; in the traditional pharmacopoeia: urinary disinfectant and anti-hypertensive

Jatropha curcas L.

Commercial nameCurcas
Used partOil from the seeds
UsesMedicinal: cutaneous affections, cicatrizing, vulnerary; phytosanitary: insecticide

Lawsonia inermis L.

Commercial nameHenna
Used partLeaves
UsesCosmetic: dye and strengthening for the hair; medicinal: preventive and curative for the cutaneous affections

Lippia chevalieri Mold

Commercial nameThee of Gambia
Used partLeaves
UsesFood, medicinal: in the traditional pharmacopoeia: influenzal syndromes, cooling illnesses; stimulating, sedative

Mitracarpus scaber Zucc.

Commercial nameMitracarpe
Used partAerial part
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: dermatologic affections, eczema, scabies, etc.

Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth.

Commercial nameTree of the flour
Used partPulp of the fruits
UsesFood: as sweetener is locally used for foods and drinks; it is rich in glucides; it also contains phosphorus, calcium and vitamins C and B

Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth.

Commercial nameTree of the flour
Used partSeeds
UsesFood: a vegetal "cheese" is extracted from the seeds, locally named sumbala, that is used for giving taste to the sauces

Psorospermum guineense Hochr.

Commercial namePsorosperme of Guinea
Used partLeaves
UsesMedicinal; in the traditional pharmacopoeia: cutaneous affections, eczema, scabies, etc.

Pteleopsis suberosa Engl. et Diels

Commercial namePteleopsis
Used partBark of the trunk
UsesMedicinal; in the local traditional pharmacopoeia: gastric affections (gastro-duodenal ulcer, gastritis), anti-microbic, anti-cough

Sclerocarya birrea (A. Rich) Hochst.

Commercial nameSclerocaria
Used partLeaves
UsesMedicinal; in the traditional pharmacopoeia: anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheic, anti-inflammatory

Sterculia setigera Del.

Commercial namePlane of Senegal
Used partGum
UsesFood, cosmetic: emulsifying agent for alimentary and cosmetic products

Tamarindus indica L.

Commercial nameTamarind
Used partFruits
UsesFood and medicinal: refreshing and laxative drink; in the traditional pharmacopoeia: febrifuge, anti-tapeworms, laxative

Vernonia kotschiana Bip.

Commercial nameVernonia
Used partTuberized roots
UsesMedicinal, food: in the traditional pharmacopoeia it is used for the treatment of the gastritis and the gastro-duodenal ulcers

Zingiber officinale Roscoe

Commercial nameGinger
Used partRhizomes
UsesFood, medicinal: seasoning carminative and aromatic; in the traditional pharmacopoeia: aphrodisiac

Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.

Commercial nameJujube
Used partFruits
UsesMedicinal, food: refreshing and vitamin-enriched drink; in the traditional pharmacopoeia: sedative, diuretic, anti-hypertensive