Our Next ProjectsTraditional Midwives and Reduction of the Maternal and Child MortalityMaternal and child mortality remains in Mali very high, in spite the technical, organizational and financial efforts allowed from the Ministry of Health and its technical and financial partners, during the ten last years. Our goal has always been to participate in the diminution of the maternal and child mortality through the valorization of the local knowledge related to the follow-on of the pregnancy and to the assistance to the birth. From 1999 we have realized some experiences concerning the information and the organization of the Traditional Midwives (LT) about the first aid system of the obstetrical emergencies, keeping in account their roles and abilities. See the full document... ...The "Living Treasures" of the Médicine TraditionnelleIn Africa, the Traditional Medicine constitutes a very important component of the living cultural patrimony, deeply anchored in the history, the culture and the beliefs of the populations, that determines the aptitudes and the behaviors in face of the personal, family and social events of the daily life. In this context, the present project means to identify the "Living Treasures" of the traditional medicine, to honor them and to engage with them and with the associations of the traditional healers an operational reflection on how to assure the transmission of theirs knowledge and abilities. See the full document... ...A Kiosk for the Herbalists of BamakoAidemet NGO, in the frame of his protocol of collaboration with the Association of the Traditional Healers and Herbalists of the District of Bamako, ATTHDB/Kεnεya Yiriwaton, could realize different activities concerning the strengthening of the competences of the actors of the Traditional Medicine. Among these activities, thanks to the collaboration with the European Association of Traditional Medicines (AEMETRA, Italy), Aidemet Ong could get a financial support of about 970.000 F CFA, that have been employed to endow of some herbalists of the District of Bamako with Kiosks for the sale of the medicinal plants, in partnership with ATTHDB/ Kεnεya Yiriwaton. The kiosks allow the hygienic storage, and the orderly exposure to the public of the medicinal plants, so as their safety during the closing time of the markets.The visitors, and above all the herbalists (men and women) of the different regions of Mali, expressed a very deep interest for the initiative. Therefore, Aidemet Ong launched the Campaign "Let us Adopt an Herbalist” looking for partners disposed to participate in the funds raising to support this project. See the full document... ... |