Saturday 27 July, 2024
E-mail: aidemet@afribonemali.net
Tel: + (223) 76 13 12 73

© 2006 Copyright Aidemet

A virtual master class was held on Saturday 24 September from 17:00 to 19:30, focusing on the return of the results of the collaborative experiences between Conventional Medicine and Traditional Medicine in public health activities in Mali…

Advocacy for the promotion of local chlorine production with the WATA® approach in Mali…

Baobab Project: from 19th to 26th February 2018, visit in Bamako of Dr Marinella De Leo, Faculty of Pharmacy of Pisa..

Notebook no 1 de FESCAURI: Traditional Medicine and Divinatory Arts. The case of Mandé in Mali …

August 7th 2015: Visit of a delegation from the University of Messina to the headquarters of Aidemet NGO

Aidemet NGO continues to participate in animation of the coordination of the Alliance of Civil Society in Mali against Ebola Virus Disease. Even if Mali has been declared "Free Ebola," the fight continues! Here the 3rd number (Febrary 2015) of the Ebola newsletter in French:

Aidemet NGO continues to participate in animation of the coordination of the Alliance of Civil Society in Mali against Ebola Virus Disease; here the 2nd number (January 2015) of the newsletter in French:

Aidemet NGOs continues to animate the coordination of the Alliance of Civil Society in Mali against Ebola Virus Disease; here the 1st number (November and December 2014) of the newsletter in French:

Aidemet NGO participates in the coordination of the Alliance of Civil Society in Mali against Ebola virus; here is the number 0 (October 2014) of the newsletter in French:

The Aidemet NGO’s activities in support of the Herbalist Women in Mali go on. On line, the first issue of the newsletter: Women and Plants - Mali 2014

April 2014: The commitment of Aidemet NGO on implication of Traditional Birth Attendants in management of obstetric emergencies: the HURAPRIM project

Aidemet NGO resumes its activities in support to Women Herbalists of Mali. On line, the first issue of the newsletter: Women and Plants Mali 2014

On the website of Aidemet NGO is available a new book: "Decentralization and Health", written by Sergio Giani, Rokia Sanogo and Mamoutou Diarra...

Participation of Aidemet NGO in the celebration of the World Day of Washing Hands with Soap

The FAO Newsletter DIMITRA in its issue number 23 of May 2013 published an article on the Aidemet NGO project in support to herbalist women in Bamako and Ségou. Below, the links for the newsletter. The article is at page 20.

The final workshop of Project: “Women and Plants” took place in Bamako on Saturday, July 14, 2012…

March 2012: About Health Decentralisation, Traditional Medicine and Local Health Information System in Mali…

We are pleased to point out the article "Health Decentralisation and Local Health Information System. The experience of City of Zegoua (Kadiolo District, Sikasso Region, Mali)", which was published on Mali Médical, 2011-XXVI, N° 4, pp 22-33..

The document is in French, with abstract in English.

See the full document ...

The 1st Scientific Day of WANNPRES Mali took place on Saturday, December 17, 2011 in the Conference Room of INRSP. The theme was: "Medicinal plants and fight against sickness".

November 2011: Aidemet Ngo, in partnership with the IDEASS Program, is looking for technical and financial partners for a research project on the development of a prototype of communitary solar distiller for plants essential oils…

August 2011 : an article written by Sergio Giani and Rokia Sanogo has been published in the latest issue of Universitas Forum, which is dedicated to the integration of traditional medicine in health systems. The title is: "Traditional Medicine and Local Development: methodologies and approaches."

Saturday, July 2d, 2011, in the Conference Room of the INRSP, Prof. Rokia Sanogo, President of Aidemet NGO, moderated a panel discussion on “Contribution of Traditional Birth Attendants in the reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality”.

The Malian Federation of Traditional Healers and Herbalists (FEMATH) and the NGO Aid to Development of Traditional Medicine (Aidemet NGO) are helping malian women herbalists...

March, 23rd 2011 : Press Conference on the fight against the Female Genital Mutilations...

March 2010 : Article on the consumption of the Improved Traditional Phytomedicines in Mali…

July 23rd 2009 : Presentation of the Pilot Project for the promotion of Home Water Treatment…

Promoting the local production of a solution of active chlorine in Mali.

In partnership with the Swiss NGO Antenna Technologies, Aidemet NGO conducted in the Sanitary District of Kadiolo three training and demonstration sessions of the local production of a solution of active chlorine with the Antenna Wata® Standard device on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th December 2008. The device can transform by electrolysis a solution of salt water (25 g/l) into a solution of sodium hypochlorite, requiring a power source of 12 Volts/4 Amps. See the full document ...

Training Herbalist Women of Missira Market.

The training workshop of Herbalists of Missira Market was carried out in Bamako, September 2008 from 25th to 27th, in the frame of the Support Project to the Malian Federation of Associations for Sanitation and Environmental Protection with the financial contribution from the Luxembourg’s Cooperation. It was directed by Aidemet Ngo in collaboration with the Amadou Hampâté Bâ Center, and the Bamako District Traditional Healers and Herbalists Association. See the full document ...

The 7th edition of the International Week of the African Traditional Medicine (SIMTA)

The 7th edition of the International Week of the African Traditional Medicine (SIMTA) was carried out in June 2008 from 16th to 23rd in the Stadium Omnisport "Modibo Keïta" of Bamako. Organized by the Federation of the Associations of Traditional Healers and Herbalists of Mali (FEMATH), the 7th SIMTA has recorded the participation of around 261 traditional healers and herbalists… See the full document ...

Ceremony in honour of Tiémogo Bengaly

March 13th 2008 : ceremony in honour of Tiémogo Bengaly, Head of Village and Traditional Healer of Missidougou, to have made his knowledge on the medicinal plants anti-malaria free available to the population of Mali… See the full document ...

About Malaria and Traditional Medicine in Mali…

We are pleased to report the article 'The management of Malaria by Traditional Healers in the health areas of Kendié (Bandiagara) and Finkolo (Sikasso) in Mali', which was published on Mali Médical, 2007-XXII, No. 4, pp 1-8. The study was conducted in the frame of the project 'Traditional Practices and Primary Health Care', developed by the Department of Traditional Medicine of the National Institute for Research in Public Health of Bamako and the Swiss Ngo Antenna Technologies, in collaboration with Aidemet Ngo.

See the full document ...

Bringing Health Care nearer to the people in Zégoua Municipality

A Polycentric Community Health Center for the Municipality of Zégoua, Sikasso Region, in Mali. The Introductory Workshop of Project “Bringing Health Care nearer to the people in Zégoua Municipality” was carried out on Tuesday, October 16th, 2007 See the full document ...

Decentralization, Community Health and Traditional Medicine in the Municipal Space

The activities of the 2nd Phase of the Research-Action (RA) on "The elaboration by the territorial collectivities of equitable, accessible and effective community health politics, valorizing the resources of the traditional medicine", had really started, with a mission on the field at the end of July 2007.

See the full document ...

August 31st: African Day of Traditional Medicine.

In prelude to the commemoration of the 5th African Day of Traditional Medicine, the Federation of the Associations of Traditional Healers and Herbalists (FEMATH) and the Ngo Aid to the Development of Traditional Medicine, Aidemet Ngo, organized, the August 27th 2007, a press conference on the theme: "Experiences of collaboration among the actors of the traditional medicine". See the full document ...

The 6th Week of the African Traditional Medicine.

June 2007, from 20th to 27th the 6th edition of the International Week of the African Traditional Medicine (SIMTA) was carried out in the Stadium Omnisport "Modibo Keïta" of Bamako.

See the full document ...